What Is Coolant?

Many fluids go into making your auto work. There is power steering fluid, vital for making steering easy. Your vehicle will have brake fluid to all the systems to have to stop power — oil for the transmission and engine to keep internal parts cool and lubricated. But without coolant, your vehicle’s engine wouldn’t last long.

Functions of Coolant

Coolant is a fluid that runs into your vehicle’s engine block out through hoses to the radiator. It is a fluid, with the main task of keeping your engine block at the right operating temperature. The primary function of regulating temperature is done with the other parts of the cooling system — these parts, including the radiator, fans, thermostat, and water pump. The cooled fluid will be sent straight to the inside of your engine, and when the thermostat reads that the engine is getting hot, it will open to allow fluid to flow.

Engine coolant not only needs to keep the engine cool, but it also serves as anti-freeze, which it is commonly referred to. Anti-freeze prevents the block from cracking under the pressure of being at lower than usual operating temps. It is crucial that in the winter months, your vehicle has anti-freeze in the system.

What Causes Coolant To Leak?

Coolant leaks are the most common issue for the cooling system. They can occur at any point in the system too. From a leak in the radiator to a leak at the water pump, all are significant problems that need to be addressed. Most people have experienced a leaking or bad radiator. When this happens, you’ll notice that there is a puddle of coolant from sitting, and typically the low coolant light will illuminate.

Accidents can cause a bad radiator, as well as road debris. Because the cooling system is pressurized, a leak can happen over time because of a bad seal or gasket. If you find that there is fluid collecting under your car, your car starts to overheat, or you see a low coolant light, it’s time to bring your German auto in for service.

Different Coolant Types

When talking about coolant, there are three main types a vehicle can call for. Those three types of coolant can branch off from different brands to include additives and special formulas in which the manufacturer specifies. The three main types of coolant include:

● Inorganic Additive Technology (IAT)
● Organic Acid Technology (OAT)
● Hybrid Organic Acid Technology (HOAT)

Which your car uses depends on the manufacturer as well as the age of your vehicle. Most older vehicles use IAT or inorganic additive technology. What sets IAT apart from the other two is the need to be changed on a routine basis. Because in inorganic additive technology, the chemicals will break down, causing the coolant not to work as effectively as it once did.

How To Choose The Right Coolant?

Now that you understand what coolant is, you are probably wondering how you are to select the right coolant for your vehicle. While it might seem complicated, there aren’t that many types to choose from, and your vehicle’s manufacturer will specify which you are to use. For example, BMW has its very own ‘BMW Coolant’ that is recommended for use in both its gasoline and diesel vehicles. BMW’s coolant is typically dark blue or green; versus the bright green or orange, most are used to seeing. In a pinch, off-brands, including Prestone Antifreeze/Coolant, can be used as a substitute if BMW coolant isn’t available.

While you can look online at what coolant and amount your vehicle calls explicitly for, your mechanic can also clue you in, as well as provide any coolant services your vehicle may need, such as a coolant flush.

Coolant leaks? No problem! Set up an appointment here or simply call us at (530) 305-2499. We, at Ryan GMW, are ASE certified, so you are guaranteed quality automotive services.

What Does It Mean To Be ASE Certified?

You’ve probably seen it posted at our shop, and mentioned online, that we are ASE certified. It is a huge accomplishment and one that we take seriously at Ryan G. Motorworks. But what exactly does it mean, and is it really something you should look for when having someone work on your vehicle? Is it even that important or something required to have?

ASE Certification LogoASE certification is a nationally recognized credential. It certifies that an automotive technician has had the training necessary to complete the jobs needed in the workplace. ASE stands for the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. While there are other programs and schooling out there for automotive technicians to obtain a degree or certificate program, ASE-certification is considered the gold standard for testing.

The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence began in 1972 and is an independent non-profit organization. Their mission has been to improve the quality of workmanship, vehicle repair, and service through the testing and certifying professionals.

What Does One Need To Be A Mechanic?

It might be surprising to learn that the standards for operating or working in an automotive shop aren’t that high. In fact, there is no requirement for certification to work in a shop. Many automotive shops will require their technicians to have completed high school and have their diploma, but other than that, not much else. Being ASE certified is optional. So why go through the program to get certified if you don’t have to?

Why Mechanics Choose To Get ASE Certified?

As mentioned, it is optional for mechanics to get their certification. But there are tons of reasons and benefits as to why they should. For just the mechanic, having ASE certification gives them a leg up on their competition. When you put head to head a mechanic that has been through the testing to determine they are qualified and have the stamp of approval, over a mechanic that doesn’t have the same

To obtain an ASE certification, automotive technicians will have to have had two years of job training or one-year job training with a two-year degree in automotive repair even to qualify. This standard alone is higher than the entry-level of working in a shop that requires a high school diploma and a background working with cars.

For the mechanic, the perks of being certified include easier employment and the ability to gain insurance if applicable. Most employers will look favorably on those that have completed the training because it signifies they know what they are doing. This can eliminate problems of a mechanic not understanding the complexities of newer cars while giving them advancements over other shops.

Not only do mechanics have to pass their certification tests to gain the ASE certified label, but they are also required to retest every five years to keep their certification. As automotive technology advances, the technician must remain up to date. The tests aren’t easy, either. The passing rate for test-takers is two out of three.

Why Should You Care If Your Mechanic is ASE Certified?

As a consumer, you should care if your automotive shop has ASE certified works because of the quality you can expect. What the certification means for you, is that the shop can handle your vehicle and has demonstrated the abilities and know-how to perform the work correctly.

The ASE test is made up of over 40 tests that all challenge a technician’s skills on a variety of vehicles and their systems. Not only is the ASE a test, but it also requires the mechanic to have years of on the job training. This gives the consumer peace of mind that their vehicle is in the best hand for repairs, servicing, and maintenance.

Ryan G. Motorworks is proud to have ASE certified technicians operating our shop. We deliver the highest level of service, and our customers never have to worry, their vehicles are in the best hands.


Ryan GMW is ASE certified. Schedule an appointment here or call (530) 305-2499 today!

Different Types Of Tire Repairs

When it comes to your vehicle, the tires are one of the essential features. When they are new, you’ll notice that the driving experience is slightly enhanced. Likewise, when they are low on air or going bald, your vehicle might vibrate or not have as good of traction as it would with newer tires.

Different Types Of Tire Repairs

Car Tires

When it comes to taking care of your tires, accidents can happen that can cause your tires damage. When damage occurs, the tire will deflate, and as such, will create unsafe driving experiences. The most common issue for tires is getting a nail in them. In this situation, the nail is almost always still left in the tire and will need to be removed. But this isn’t always the case, and a hole can be created, making a slow leak.

A slow leak is repairable. You may notice that the tire will stay aired up for a few days, but start to go flat after sitting overnight. Punctures in the tire are repairable; however, if the damage is to the sidewall or in the shoulder, these are not advised to repair as it will affect reliability and safety. BMW tire repair should always be done in the best interest of the driver and passengers. If the repair is unsafe, it shouldn’t be done. The industry has set allowances that should be observed at all times.

The Patch

The most common and best-known repair is a patch. These are used when an object has pierced the outer tire liner, and loss of air pressure occurs. A technician will need to take the tire off the wheel to examine both inside and outside of the tire. When a puncture happens, it isn’t the damage to the rubber that is the top concern. It is the damage to the cords running through the tire. You could keep putting air in the tire and driving, but the wires will start to separate more, and water will enter the tire, eroding it from the inside out.

To prepare the area for being patched, the technician will inspect where the puncture is, the only place a repair can be made is the crown of the tire, which is essentially the center of the tire tread. The hole will need to be drilled, then filled, then a patch on the inside applied. There are situations where a tire repair is not advised on the crown, and that is when there are multiple injuries overlapping or side by side.


Cans of tire repair contain a sealant to stop the leak and air to help blow the tire up. This takes time to cure and plug a hole to help the tire stop losing air. While these work for a short term fix, they should not be depended on for the long term. The spray-in sealant won’t help stop progressive damage that can happen with the cords of the tire, and you also may not know where the damage to the tire is, which could cause unsafe driving conditions.

Tire Plug

A cheap method for fixing a tire is a piece of rubber you shove into the puncture and a sealer that expands. This method gives false hope and is not advised by most mechanics. Again this is okay for short term use to get home, but you should seek a proper repair.

What To Know About Tire Shopping For A BMW

BMW Tires

BMW car tires are going to be different than the X5 model, simply because they are two different types of vehicles, one is an SUV, and the other is a car. The tire size will also vary in the kind of wheel you have and what you are hoping to achieve as far as the ride quality. Low profile tires will enhance the look of your vehicle, but won’t offer the same ride quality as the standard all-seasons tired that is preferred for most models.

What’s also different about shopping for tires is that there is such a thing as “BMW approved tires.” When shopping for tires, you can purchase tires made specifically for your BMW straight from the auto manufacturer. These were designed with your specific model in mind, and are made by the top brands in the industry like Pirelli, Michelin, and Goodyear. The top replacement tires currently are:

  • Continental ContiProContact
  • Goodyear Eagle LS-2 ROF
  • Pirelli Cinturato P7 A/S
  • Bridgestone Dueler H/L 400 RFT

When it comes to tire repairs, patches are the most common and safest option. Stay away from tire plugs and tire fix in a can. You should note that not all damage to a tire can be repaired, and when it’s time to replace, you should use BMW approved tires for the best driving experience. If you are unsure about what tire size, type, or brand you should be using, Ryan G. Motorsports is here to help.


Ryan G. Motorworks is ASE certified, so, you can be sure of quality tire repairs and services. Book an appointment by calling (530) 305-2499 or selecting an appointment here.

Who Can Service BMW Cars?

ASE Certification

BMWs are one of the most advanced pieces of machinery on the road today. Known for its advancements in drivability with a combination of the latest technology, BMW continues to be one of the most popular options on the market. However, they are also known for being one of the more challenging to work on. Many mechanics don’t want to touch the German auto. Whether it be because of uncertainty, the level of complexity or the amount that could go wrong, repairing one isn’t always a walk in the park. That is why when a BMW owner questions who can service BMW cars, it isn’t unwarranted. They want the best. They want someone that understands their vehicle and how to perform repairs and maintenance to the highest level.

It’s for sure that if you want the best results for fixing or maintaining your BMW, you want a BMW master technician. This is a prestigious honor that only those that have gone through extensive training have achieved. For a technician to earn the title of being a BMW master technician, they must:

The whole process for becoming a BMW master tech can take years, and many automotive mechanics don’t choose to pursue the specialty. Those that are passionate about the brand or find themselves working almost exclusively, such as those that work for a BMW dealership, will go after the certificate.

BMW Service Package

Maintaining your BMW is a huge part of keeping it on the road and helping it last for years to come. Those that don’t observe the BMW standards for service may find that their auto fails prematurely. If you are thinking about purchasing a BMW, it is good to know that you will likely need to visit your BMW mechanic every 10,000 miles or so. This reference point includes minor services like your standard oil change, inspection, and tire rotations. The average cost will run anywhere from $200-$400. However, if you find that it is time for more extensive maintenance, such as needing a transmission or coolant flush, the cost can rise to as much as $600.

While you can expect your BMW to last for years to come, it won’t make it there without proper care. Brand new BMWs still come with their no-charge maintenance for up to 3 years or 36,000 miles, but beyond that, it is the responsibility of the owner. Having someone you can trust for reliable repairs is vital, just as having a shop you can trust not to overcharge is essential to the pocketbook.

Certified BMW Repair Shops

A frequent question received by certified technicians is where to service BMW car if repairs or maintenance is needed. This is often a difficult question to answer, as most people assume the only option for these services is the BMW dealership. While the dealership would like you to think they are the ONLY choice for repairs and maintenance, they aren’t. In fact, there are other options out there for automotive work on your BMW that doesn’t come with the hassle of scheduling appointments week in advanced, when all you want is a simple oil change.

To service a BMW, a technician should be certified, as noted above, but they don’t need to be working at a dealership to deliver the same level of service, if not better. Ryan G. Motorworks owner, Ryan Gangemi, is a proudly certified BMW master technician.


In order to book for an appointment, just call Ryan G. Motorworks at (530) 305-2499 or simply setup an appointment here.

How To Repair A BMW ABS Module?

Your BMW’s braking system is built to withstand thousands of miles before needing service. Every intricate part works together to provide the stopping power required to keep you, your family, and your vehicle safe. While earlier vehicles there was no such thing as ABS or anti-lock braking systems, it was a revolutionary approach to improve braking in the automotive industry.

ABS Module

In BMWs, the ABS is delicate. Many models are affected by ABS issues, and many of these come down to being the module itself. The module is what tells the ABS what to do. But how do you know you have an ABS module problem or something else wrong, like something simple like low brake fluid?

When an ABS module goes out, typically, a driver will see a combination of lights on the dash. These lights can include the ABS light, the traction control lights, and the red brake light. When all of these are illuminated at the same time, there’s a higher chance that the module is the culprit. If when you first turn on your BMW, and there are no lights, then when the engine reaches operating temperature, there are, this could also be a sign.

An ABS module handles many of the functions of your car’s safety system. When it fails, you could notice a drop in speed, as it will slow you down on its own, then produce an ABS light. These are unsafe driving conditions that should be corrected to get the best experience from your BMW.

Is A BMW Repair Shop Required?

Always take your BMW into a repair shop that features certified technicians. This is the only way to guarantee you get the best results for your repair, and that they know exactly how to fix the problem. For an ABS module, in most BMWs

There are a few methods for how to repair the BMW ABS module. The first is to install a new unit. This is often the more expensive option, as new ABS modules can run well over $400 each. The other method is to rebuild the vehicle’s current unit or install a remanufactured one. While this is at a lower price, the group has already exhibited failure and been certified for reuse after a rebuild. Depending on the shop you use, a rebuilt option might not be available. However, there are several benefits to having a new unit installed, as many of these have corrected the original problem that resulted in a failure.

Why Should You Choose A BMW Repair Specialist?

Those that aren’t a BMW specialist may automatically assume that the ABS light that is on signals another problem with the braking system, the most common being a wheel speed sensor. However, using further diagnostic testing would reveal that the BMW had something more significant going on, being the ABS module, not a sensor. [https://www.acibademhealthpoint.com]

An OBD scan tool can be helpful if it is equipped with the ability to read BMW, or German autos, as well as produce ABS codes. The problem here is that these machines are typically expensive, and for non-BMW specialists, they more than likely don’t have one, or one that narrows down the problem that far as to pinpoint the module.

Is BMW Repair Expensive?

One of the reasons that many put off having an ABS module repaired is fear of cost. Another reason is that they assume because the light being on hasn’t affected the drivability, what could it hurt to keep driving it. The average cost, all in, for an ABS module repair is around $1500.


Book for an appointment, call (530) 305-2499 or set it up here. For your BMW repair and service needs, Ryan G. Motorworks is the best go-to auto shop.


Image Credit: Wikimedia

What Do You Do If Your Car Battery Dies?

If your car battery dies then it is important that you know how to get the battery working again quickly. Failing to do so could cause a number of potential problems, which is why understanding what to do if the car battery dies is so important for any car driver.

What Happens When My Car Battery Dies?

When your car battery dies or is otherwise in the process of dying, you will notice a number of obvious problems. These problems can include the following issues, that you should always be aware of and on the lookout for:

  • The engine doesn’t start properly — if your engine is really slow to start, or doesn’t start at all, then it is likely that you could have a problem with your car’s battery being dead. This is one of the most obvious signs and will usually give you a little warning before the battery completely dies as well, which is always useful to know as it will give you time to get prepared in advance.
    • If you find that it seems to be temperamental when starting, though, the problem might not be with the battery itself but instead with the connectors.
  • Lights don’t work — your car’s battery is the sole source of electricity for all of the different electrical components of your vehicle, such as the dashboard lights. If these do not illuminate properly or don’t even light up at all, then the car’s battery condition is likely to blame for this problem.
  • You’ve jump-started the vehicle’s engine before — this is an obvious sign, of course. If you’ve had to jump start the vehicle’s engine at some point in the past then it is likely that you have had problems with the vehicle’s battery before, and should look at getting it replaced.

So, you’ve come to the conclusion that your car battery has died or is otherwise dying. What now?

What To Do Next?

Once you have come to the conclusion that your car’s battery has died, you will need to think about your next steps. There are two different options available to you, really; either you need to jumpstart the car to give the battery a new lease of life, or you need to otherwise get the vehicle to a safe position and call out a team of vehicle repair and car battery repair experts to help you get back on the road again.


In order to jumpstart your vehicle, you will need to first get your jumpstart cables; all vehicles should keep these somewhere safe and accessible, as you could need them one day in order to jumpstart your vehicle. Next, you will need to find another vehicle with a battery that has the same voltage as your own; this ‘good Samaritan’ vehicle will be the one who will donate a little bit of juice for your own vehicle’s battery.

Start by making sure that both vehicles are fully secured. Once this is the case, the jump cable leads can be hooked up the Samaritan’s vehicle’s battery and your own. Once this has been set up properly, you can then get the working vehicle to turn on and run for a few minutes—at which point, you can try to start your own BMW.

Jumpstarting is normally a fairly reliable way of getting your car started again, but if it doesn’t work, it is important to consider the possibility that your car’s battery has had it, and cannot be fixed—at which point, professional help will be required.

It is important to note that jump starting a vehicle is not a form of car battery repair; rather, when you are jumpstarting the vehicle, you are merely delaying the inevitable. Jumpstarting should thus be used as a means to get the vehicle going again until you can get the battery fixed by your local BMW service Roseville team.

Professional Help

If you cannot get your car to start by jump starting it, or if there is no one around to help you jumpstart it, then your only option is to call out your local BMW service team to help you replace the battery of the vehicle. Once this has been done, your vehicle should be as good as new once again and you can get on with your day. An experienced team such as ours at Ryan GMW will easily be able to help you get your vehicle’s battery replaced, so there is no need to panic!

Book your appointment here and select the most convenient time for you. You can also call Ryan GMW at (530) 305-2499 for further information on your BMW’s battery problems.

What Is The Difference Between The Driveline, Drive Train, & Powertrain?

Many people who own a vehicle do not actually have an accurate understanding of the differences between the driveline, the drive train, and the powertrain. As such, this can make it hard to know what type of repair services your vehicle will need when something goes wrong.

Luckily, here at Ryan GMW, we specialize in providing all types of BMW service and repair work, including powertrain, drive train, and driveline repair. But what are the differences between the driveline, the drive train, and the powertrain, and why is it important for you to understand these differences as the owner of a BMW vehicle?

Why You Should Understand The Differences?

As a vehicle owner, you might not be sure why you need to understand the differences between these three different components and terms. After all, you might be thinking, you only want to drive the vehicle; if it goes wrong, that is the job of the mechanic to diagnose the problem and not you.

Well, not entirely. While it might not be necessary for you to understand all of the terminology and intricate nuances used to describe vehicles and their components, being able to accurately explain a problem to your mechanic will make everyone’s lives easier.

After all, if you start explaining a fault with one of the systems and then drop your vehicle off at the garage with a different problem to the one that you have described, the garage workers will then have to spend more time working out what was actually wrong with the vehicle, potentially putting away any tools that they might have prepared in advance to fix the anticipated problem—which will only end up costing you more money when it comes to paying the final bill (as well as irritating the workers in the garage, which should ideally be avoided as well).

What Are The Differences?

There are a number of subtle differences between the driveline, the drive train, and the powertrain that you should look to understand if possible. These differences are subtle but are still worth considering if you are to get an accurate understanding of the different systems in your vehicle’s engine.

5-Spoke BMW Wheel

The Powertrain

First of all is the simplest of the three different terms: the powertrain. The powertrain is little more than the name given to all of the different components in your vehicle’s engine that make it, well, worked. Without the powertrain as a whole, the car would simply be unable to move very well.

The powertrain includes the following different components of the engine:

  • Transmission
  • Axles
  • Engine
  • Driveshaft
  • Wheels
  • Differentials

Clearly, each of these different components is essential for the car to run as it is supposed to. After all, without the wheels you would end up simply skidding down the road on the belly of the vehicle (for a short while until the immense friction caused the vehicle to explode, anyway); equally, without the engine working as it ought to, the vehicle wouldn’t be able to start at all in the first place!

The Drive Train

The drive train is the next term that you need to understand. It is, in fact, just as easy to understand as the powertrain; the drive train is made up of all of the different features of the powertrain, but with the engine excluded. In other words, the drive train includes:

  • Transmission
  • Axles
  • Driveshaft
  • Wheels
  • Differentials

The only real difference between the drivetrain and the powertrain is that of the lack of an engine. Think of it this way: the powertrain includes all of the different components that power the car, while the drive train includes only those components which are needed for steering and maneuvering the vehicle.

The Driveline

The driveline is the most basic of the three different components, and is made up of the following components:

  • Axles
  • Driveshaft
  • Wheels
  • Differentials

Primarily, the driveline is used for the control of the driveshaft, meaning that it does not include the engine or the transmission. On this logic, it can be thought of as either the drive train, but without the transmission, or the powertrain without the engine and the transmission.

By understanding these differences, you will be able to have a far better understanding of the way in which your car works. In turn, this will help you to understand problems that might be developing with your BMW so that you can work to avoid making them any worse in the time that it takes you to pull over at a safe position or otherwise get your BMW into a garage for powertrain, drive train, or driveline services.

Indeed, while a powertrain problem could pretty much include an expansive list of different possible faults, it is helpful to be able to understand that a problem with the driveline is likely to be in relation to the driveshaft of the vehicle.

In order to setup for an appointment, simply book here or give us a call at (530) 305-2499  today.

How To Prevent Car Battery Drain?

Have you ever wondered what would happen if your vehicle didn’t have a battery? Probably not. Most everyone knows that the battery is the start of everything your car does. It allows accessory features to work, including your radio and lights. It is also responsible for giving your ignition system enough juice to fire the motor. Without a fully operational battery, you can’t do anything with your vehicle. In some rare cases, those that are equipped with fully electronic doors and locks, you might not be able to enter the car.

It is essential to know how to keep your battery working as it should. A battery that holds a charge will continue to start, run, and charge effectively so that no matter when you turn the key, everything works as it should. Take a look at these top four ways you can prevent your car battery from draining, when not in use.

Car Battery

  • Keep Vehicle Cool

Batteries don’t respond very well to the heat. A car that gets toasty frequently will have more of a chance of a dead battery problem. Stay alert as to where you park your vehicle. If outside, try parking under a shaded area. This is an excellent tip, especially for those that park their cars outside every night. If possible, use a garage, and avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

  • Turn Off Accessories While Car Is Not Running

Do you like sitting in your car listening to music? Do you also leave the car off, and simply run on the accessory mode? Nothing will drain your car battery down faster than using the accessories while the car is not turned on. Instead, you may want to rethink using the car audio system while not turned on.

  • Keep Battery Clean

A great tip for preventing your car battery from draining is to keep the terminals clean. Some shops will offer car battery services, including terminal cleanings. This eliminates any corrosion on the battery, the terminals, and the posts. Periodically check your vehicle’s battery for signs of leakage, including bloating or misshapen boxes. While some corrosive material is normal, especially in older cells, having a massive amount caked on is not.

You should also clean the battery and posts if you notice dirt and grime accumulating. The more debris that stands between the terminal posts and the wires, the worst the connection can be.

  • Increase Drive Time

One wouldn’t think that driving your car more would be the solution to preventing a drained battery, but it could be. The alternator recharges the battery. The more revolutions the engine produces, the faster the alternator spins. This makes the alternator more capable of recharging the battery. Longer drives can help to recharge the battery if the alternator is working as it should.

Is There Car Battery Repair

Have you been wondering how to repair a car battery? Are there any car battery repair services available? Depending on the status of the car battery, there may be repair options available. In most cases, it is more effective to recycle the old battery and install a new one. One of the few repair services available is refilling the battery with acid. This is often more affordable than replacement.

When the shell of the battery is broken or splits, these situations always require a replacement battery to correct. On average, most vehicles can use their batteries from 5 to ten years before having to replace them.

Setup an appointment here or simply call (530) 305-2499 for further inquiries on Ryan GMW’s car battery services and other BMW Service Roseville.

How Often Should Car Brakes Be Serviced?

Your vehicle’s braking system is one of the essential methods in your car. It is highly needed to stop, when you need to, whether it be deer darting out into the road, or someone stops short in front of you. However, brakes aren’t meant to last forever and often need repairs, maintenance, and attention every so often.

While cars now have many options for what materials you would like to use for the pads, it wasn’t always that way. Now with the availability of organic, metallic, and semi-metallic, drivers have the option to go longer between brake services.

There are two trains of thought about how long you should go before getting your pads replaced. The first is to wait until there is a reason to change them. For most, this is waiting until they start to hear the notorious grinding, high pitched noises that happen as they brake. Others will change their brakes according to what the vehicle manufacturer suggests or the part manufacturer from the last time they had brakes done. The standard time you should go between brake services is actually every 50,000 miles. However, things like how you drive, stop, and what type of pads you use will play a role. Some drivers have to change their pads every 25,000 miles while others can get an astounding 75,000 before a change.

The great thing about brake pads is that the noise they make when they wear down is a built-in indicator. The sound is alerting the driver; it is time to change the pads. It won’t hurt the vehicle to drive while the brakes make this sound, but you shouldn’t put off having repairs done. The longer you go on worn-out brake pads, the more likely you will burn up the rotors and cause them to warp.

BMW Brake Disc

Car Brake Maintenance

When it comes to maintaining your braking system, there isn’t much you need to do, other than replacing the parts as they wear down. However, there is one crucial maintenance item you can keep an eye on periodically, and that is maintaining the correct brake fluid levels. The braking system is dependant on the right level of brake fluid. Not enough fluid could cause the vehicle’s calipers to no compress on the pads, leaving your car unable to stop. Most mechanics recommend looking at the levels at the same time you monitor the engine oil levels. Get in the habit of checking both of these every other time you fill-up the tank.

Brake Repairs

Brake repairs are somewhat straightforward. When something brakes on the system, most of the time replacing the part is the right, and most economical choice, depending on the vehicle make and model. However, items like calipers can get expensive. In these cases, if repairs are possible, it may be worth the money to repair versus trying to replace. Your auto technician will typically walk you through, which is the best course of treatment given your budget and overall goal for a long-term fix.

Brake Service Cost – What To Expect

If you have to take your car into the shop for brake service, one of the biggest concerns you might have is the bill. It’s no secret that some auto repair expenses can reach outstanding figures. Thankfully, brake services are as costly as you might think, especially if you get to it early enough.

The most common service performed on brakes is changing the pads. A simple pad change can cost between $150-300 per axle. However, if you let the pads go on too long, and injury the rotors the price will increase due to added labor and additional charges for the new rotors and pads.


Schedule an appointment today by calling (530) 305-2499 or set it up here. Get in touch with us today for your BMW repair and service needs. Ryan G. Motorworks also offer repair and service to Mercedes Benz and Minis.

When To Book BMW Service?

In order to keep your BMW in the best condition possible, it is vital that you ensure that you get your vehicle serviced as regularly as it needs. Frequent servicing of your BMW will help you to get early stage problems fixed before they can grow and develop into a more serious issue. But when it comes to booking in your next BMW service, it can be hard to know how often you ought to be doing so; none of us have the time to waste on getting our vehicles serviced unnecesarily, so how can you tell when to take BMW in for a BMW service?

When it comes to ensuring that your BMW is kept in good condition, you need to know how often you ought to be getting a BMW service carried out on your vehicle. While it will be obvious that a service will be required when a BMW repair is needed for an obvious fault, it can be harder to know when and how often you should get your BMW service carried out if the vehicle is in a seemingly good condition. None of us have the time to waste—in our busy modern world—to be without our vehicles unless it is absolutely necessary, so knowing how often you ought to get a BMW service carried out will be helpful in regards to keeping your vehicle running efficiently and safely.

Why Should I Get My BMW Serviced

BMW M4DiFor someone who has just recently bought their brand new BMW, it can seem a little unnecessary to get the vehicle serviced. However, regular servicing of your vehicle is critical if you are to be confident that your vehicle will be able to stand the test of time and be safe to drive.

So, why do you need to get your BMW serviced, and why should you go directly to a qualified BMW automotive service shop for this instead of just taking your BMW to your local auto repair technician?

Servicing your car on a regular basis is vital to ensuring the safety of your vehicle, as routine car servicing can help you to be made aware of any potential problems which might be gradually developing without you even being able to tell. Many problems in a vehicle will be the result of gradual wear over time, and for someone who is driving the vehicle on a regular basis, these slow and steady changes will often be unnoticeable until it is too late and the vehicle or its component has fully broken. As such, a BMW service will help you to avoid having to pay out for costly and time consuming BMW repair work—meaning that regular and routine BMW servicing will help you to stay safe while driving and doing so will be likely to save you money in the long run as well!

But why must you take your vehicle to an authorized BMW service provider? Why can’t you just take your BMW to your local auto specialist?

BMW specialists are far more qualified to work on your BMW than a regular auto specialist, due to the fact that they specialize in understanding and working on BMW vehicles. Every brand of vehicle will operate in slightly different ways, and when you’ve spent so much money on such an expensive vehicle as a BMW, it is vital that you always get the best service possible!

When To Take BMW In For A Service

Getting your BMW service or BMW repair work carried out by a qualified BMW auto specialist—such as us at Ryan G. Motorworks—needs to be carried out on a regular basis in order to be able to notice any potential problems before they can develop into something more costly or dangerous. While there is no general recommendation for getting your vehicle serviced—the amount of wear and tear will rely heavily on how you use your vehicle and how hard it has to work—but it can usually be said that a vehicle should be serviced after every 12,000 miles or on an annual basis (whichever occurs sooner is a fairly safe bet).

For newer models of BMW vehicles, the highly specialized and beneficial BMW condition based service feature will help you to keep an eye on the condition and level of wear and tear that your vehicle is experiencing. If the condition based service highlights an area that might be problematic, you should get your BMW service and BMW repair work booked in with your local BMW specialist as soon as possible in order to prevent further problems from developing or worsening.



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