German Auto Repair & Service in Auburn, CA

Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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30K Service

At Ryan GMW, we know that 30K services are important to perform on your vehicle to be sure all systems are operating normally. This will help ensure your vehicle is safe to drive and will be reliable for you. Early detection of problems can save you headaches and money down the road. A small coolant leak now could mean an overheating issue and a breakdown later. Swing your vehicle by today for your 30,000 service to keep that German car in tip top running shape!

Fuel Injection Cleaning Service

Fuel injectors have a component that sprays fluids. These liquids must be sprayed widely so that a spark can ignite. If the nozzle becomes clogged, the fuel injector will not produce a flame. When this happens, the vehicle will use less power and more gas. Three steps must be taken to completely clean a fuel injection system. The first step involving cleaning the injector, the fuel lines, and the gas pump with a cleaner. After the cleaner is added to the gas, the technician will start the engine to begin the cleaning process. Then, another cleaner will be apply directly on the engine while it is warm. This technique will help the technician remove carbon deposits and gunk out of the combustion chambers.

Finally, the air intake will be hand-cleaned with a third cleaner. Then, the mechanic will use a bottle brush to remove any rough deposits that could disturb air flow.

Air Filter Maintenance

If you change your air filter regularly, you vehicle will perform better. According to studies, a vehicle that has a clean filter outperforms a vehicle that has a old and dirty filter. This is possible because a clogged filter decreases the amount of air that reaches the engine. When air doesn’t circulate around an engine, the vehicle will not process the fuel efficiently.

Oil Change Benefits

Changing your oil is crucial because it improves engine performance. Fresh oil is effective because it keeps the engine’s internal components lubricated and clean; this is why an oil change makes a vehicle ride smoother.

An oil change also provide environment benefits since a well-lubed engine emits less emissions. If your vehicle is old, it may burn the dirty oil, which will push noxious engine emissions into the atmosphere. Fresh oil is better because it will less likely pollute the air.

Benefits Of A Thorough Inspection

A thorough inspection is highly recommended before a long trip. The mechanic will examine the brakes, the engine, and the transmission. The lights and the fluid levels will also be checked. Because rust can lead to future problems, the interior and the exterior of the vehicle will be inspected too.

For a comprehensive 30K service, go to Ryan G. Motorworks. Give us a call today at (530) 305-2499 to schedule an appointment, or simply visit this page, for your 30K service!