How To Repair A BMW ABS Module?

Your BMW’s braking system is built to withstand thousands of miles before needing service. Every intricate part works together to provide the stopping power required to keep you, your family, and your vehicle safe. While earlier vehicles there was no such thing as ABS or anti-lock braking systems, it was a revolutionary approach to improve braking in the automotive industry.

ABS Module

In BMWs, the ABS is delicate. Many models are affected by ABS issues, and many of these come down to being the module itself. The module is what tells the ABS what to do. But how do you know you have an ABS module problem or something else wrong, like something simple like low brake fluid?

When an ABS module goes out, typically, a driver will see a combination of lights on the dash. These lights can include the ABS light, the traction control lights, and the red brake light. When all of these are illuminated at the same time, there’s a higher chance that the module is the culprit. If when you first turn on your BMW, and there are no lights, then when the engine reaches operating temperature, there are, this could also be a sign.

An ABS module handles many of the functions of your car’s safety system. When it fails, you could notice a drop in speed, as it will slow you down on its own, then produce an ABS light. These are unsafe driving conditions that should be corrected to get the best experience from your BMW.

Is A BMW Repair Shop Required?

Always take your BMW into a repair shop that features certified technicians. This is the only way to guarantee you get the best results for your repair, and that they know exactly how to fix the problem. For an ABS module, in most BMWs

There are a few methods for how to repair the BMW ABS module. The first is to install a new unit. This is often the more expensive option, as new ABS modules can run well over $400 each. The other method is to rebuild the vehicle’s current unit or install a remanufactured one. While this is at a lower price, the group has already exhibited failure and been certified for reuse after a rebuild. Depending on the shop you use, a rebuilt option might not be available. However, there are several benefits to having a new unit installed, as many of these have corrected the original problem that resulted in a failure.

Why Should You Choose A BMW Repair Specialist?

Those that aren’t a BMW specialist may automatically assume that the ABS light that is on signals another problem with the braking system, the most common being a wheel speed sensor. However, using further diagnostic testing would reveal that the BMW had something more significant going on, being the ABS module, not a sensor. []

An OBD scan tool can be helpful if it is equipped with the ability to read BMW, or German autos, as well as produce ABS codes. The problem here is that these machines are typically expensive, and for non-BMW specialists, they more than likely don’t have one, or one that narrows down the problem that far as to pinpoint the module.

Is BMW Repair Expensive?

One of the reasons that many put off having an ABS module repaired is fear of cost. Another reason is that they assume because the light being on hasn’t affected the drivability, what could it hurt to keep driving it. The average cost, all in, for an ABS module repair is around $1500.


Book for an appointment, call (530) 305-2499 or set it up here. For your BMW repair and service needs, Ryan G. Motorworks is the best go-to auto shop.


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How Often Should Car Brakes Be Serviced?

Your vehicle’s braking system is one of the essential methods in your car. It is highly needed to stop, when you need to, whether it be deer darting out into the road, or someone stops short in front of you. However, brakes aren’t meant to last forever and often need repairs, maintenance, and attention every so often.

While cars now have many options for what materials you would like to use for the pads, it wasn’t always that way. Now with the availability of organic, metallic, and semi-metallic, drivers have the option to go longer between brake services.

There are two trains of thought about how long you should go before getting your pads replaced. The first is to wait until there is a reason to change them. For most, this is waiting until they start to hear the notorious grinding, high pitched noises that happen as they brake. Others will change their brakes according to what the vehicle manufacturer suggests or the part manufacturer from the last time they had brakes done. The standard time you should go between brake services is actually every 50,000 miles. However, things like how you drive, stop, and what type of pads you use will play a role. Some drivers have to change their pads every 25,000 miles while others can get an astounding 75,000 before a change.

The great thing about brake pads is that the noise they make when they wear down is a built-in indicator. The sound is alerting the driver; it is time to change the pads. It won’t hurt the vehicle to drive while the brakes make this sound, but you shouldn’t put off having repairs done. The longer you go on worn-out brake pads, the more likely you will burn up the rotors and cause them to warp.

BMW Brake Disc

Car Brake Maintenance

When it comes to maintaining your braking system, there isn’t much you need to do, other than replacing the parts as they wear down. However, there is one crucial maintenance item you can keep an eye on periodically, and that is maintaining the correct brake fluid levels. The braking system is dependant on the right level of brake fluid. Not enough fluid could cause the vehicle’s calipers to no compress on the pads, leaving your car unable to stop. Most mechanics recommend looking at the levels at the same time you monitor the engine oil levels. Get in the habit of checking both of these every other time you fill-up the tank.

Brake Repairs

Brake repairs are somewhat straightforward. When something brakes on the system, most of the time replacing the part is the right, and most economical choice, depending on the vehicle make and model. However, items like calipers can get expensive. In these cases, if repairs are possible, it may be worth the money to repair versus trying to replace. Your auto technician will typically walk you through, which is the best course of treatment given your budget and overall goal for a long-term fix.

Brake Service Cost – What To Expect

If you have to take your car into the shop for brake service, one of the biggest concerns you might have is the bill. It’s no secret that some auto repair expenses can reach outstanding figures. Thankfully, brake services are as costly as you might think, especially if you get to it early enough.

The most common service performed on brakes is changing the pads. A simple pad change can cost between $150-300 per axle. However, if you let the pads go on too long, and injury the rotors the price will increase due to added labor and additional charges for the new rotors and pads.


Schedule an appointment today by calling (530) 305-2499 or set it up here. Get in touch with us today for your BMW repair and service needs. Ryan G. Motorworks also offer repair and service to Mercedes Benz and Minis.

Fluid Inspections: Crucial For Car Maintenance

With so many components on vehicles, it can be hard to determine which things to be on the lookout for, and which are the most important. One thing is for sure, the longevity of your car is entirely dependent on fluids. Your BMW, Audi, Mini, or Porsche will have fluids including coolant, engine oil, brake fluid, washer fluid, and transmission fluid depending on the type of transmission you have. For some specific models that sport the all-wheel-drive system, you may also have to service the front or rear differential fluids.

When in doubt about your fluid levels, you can always take it to a BMW Auto Repair Near Me, like Ryan G. Motorworks for a fluid inspection. Our technicians can quickly assess if you are in need of a top off, are over or under fluids. Having the correct amount for each system of your car will allow it to work as it should. But what happens if you run low on your fluids? Will it immediately do damage? How bad can it be? Check out the main fluids your car needs to run, and what can happen if they aren’t inspected, filled, or changed when needed.

Engine Oil

The heart of your high-end German vehicle is the engine. There is never a time running it without oil is okay. Engine oils main function is to provide lubrication for the metal parts inside the motor. The pistons, rings, valves, rockers, and other components are entirely dependent on oil. If you aren’t running enough oil, or it is completely dry, the motor can lock up. Once this happens, it is fair enough to say the engine is toast. The cost for replacing an engine in a newer BMW, Audi, Mini Cooper can be costly, and can in most cases, be avoided with proper maintenance and fluid inspections.

Periodic oil changes help reduce the chances of running your vehicle with no oil, as well as having a fluid inspection done between oil changes. It is also crucial that when adding or doing an oil change that the right fluid is used. Different weight oils are used depending on the engine type and climate, but almost all newer vehicles call for full synthetic. When taking your car in for German Auto Repair or inspections, they will know precisely how many quarts of what type of oil needs to be used.

Brake Fluid

How much do you value being able to stop your BMW? The braking system of most cars is ultimately dependant on brake fluid. Most vehicles have upgraded to using DOT 4 in their master cylinders and are found in vehicles with ESP and ABS systems, which most German models come standard. A technician, during a fluid inspection, will make sure there aren’t any leaks, and that fluid comes up to the line indicating full. Most higher end German vehicles use 4 wheel disc brake systems that provide unbelievably excellent stopping power, with the proper fluid levels they are able to operate as intended.

Transmission Fluid

Automatic transmission needs transmission fluid. Your transmission uses the fluid within to signal at which point it needs to shift gears. With a manual transmission, you tell the transmission when to shift. This doesn’t mean that a manual doesn’t require any fluid, it just doesn’t use ATF, it could use engine oil, grease, or different liquids depending on the manufacturer. Keeping the transmission lubricated is essential but not as critical as having the correct amount of fluid in it. Failure to maintain the proper levels of fluid can cause the automatic transmission to slip. You will try to accelerate and feel that it revs high, won’t increase speed, and takes a second to change gear. Transmission fluid should be checked regularly, just as you would with engine oil. Those are the most expensive components to replace on any vehicle, and it’s well worth the ten minutes to have a fluid inspection done to ensure they are all at the proper levels.


Antifreeze or engine coolant is needed to reduce the temperature of your car. Each vehicle make and model has a specified operating temperature that is required for optimal performance and considered safe. When there is a leak in the coolant system, you may find that your car can or will overheat. Allowing your car to run “hot” will almost always ensure the catastrophic failure of the cylinder head or damage to the engine block. During a fluid inspection, a technician will check that coolant is at the proper level and that there is antifreeze in the reservoir tank, if applicable.

Factors That Affect Brake Rotor Performance

Numerous parts all work together that allow you to stop on a dime when need be or slowly come to a stop when at a traffic light. Calipers, master cylinder, brake pads, and arguably one of the most essential, rotors all need to work together for the best possible braking power. The braking system of your BMW can be complicated if you don’t know what you are looking at.

A rotor is the part of your braking system that the pads squeeze against allowing your vehicle to come to a stop. A wonderful thing about these parts is they can last a long time, in most cases, before needing to be changed. However, when they do need to be replaced taking it in for auto repair BMW is the best way to ensure it is done correctly. Rotors are considered a main component, and if these fail or have an issue, it will negatively affect your ability to stop precisely. You may notice strange sounds when braking, no matter how light or firm you apply the brake.

The two most common problems that occur with the rotor include warping and uneven wear. The cause of these is almost certainly linked to worn out brake pads. Brake pads can wear unevenly, causing tension to be dispersed around the round inconsistently. What can happen here, is the front of the rotor will wear down faster than rear or vice versa, not allowing for even pressure. A sign this is already happening to your care is not stopping straight. If your car tends to pull to one side when coming to a stop, it might be a sign your rotors have uneven wear or damage already done to them. It could also signal that the material on the rotor has worn down, and the part needs to be replaced. Consider upgrading to drilled and slotted rotors for better performance as well as better cooling effects for less chance of warping, if your vehicle doesn’t already have this type installed.

How You Drive Plays a Role

Consider your driving technique. Do you like to ride the brake? Are you a fan of speeding up quickly only to hit the brake just as fast? How you drive will ultimately dictate how long a rotor and other braking components last. While for most adult drivers trying to change how you operate can be a challenge, it is one you should pay attention to. By modifying how you drive, or in this case stop, you can get more miles out of your pads and rotors. Instead of slamming on your brakes for each stop, start braking sooner. In doing so, your brake pads will slowly come in contact with the rotor. This action will keep your rotor in better shape for a more extended period of time.

Replace Pads When Needed

Most brake pads that come on BMW, Mini Cooper, Audis, and almost every vehicle now have an indicator on them. The indicator pin will sound like a high pitched screechy sound. Once you hear this noise, it means it is time to replace the pads for an automotive repair near me shop. Don’t delay. Putting off changing your brake pads will cause more wear on the rotor. Once you start hearing a lower pitched noise when coming to a stop, you have gone through the pads, and now the caliper may be contacting with the rotor. The low pitched noise or grinding sound makes scratches into the rotor making it virtually unusable when putting new pads on.

Tips On How To Find A Mercedes Mechanic

Your vehicle is undoubtedly one of the most treasured possessions that you have, and it’s quite essential to keep it in proper condition. It is especially true if you are driving a Mercedes. If there is one thing that you need to be aware of is that the more you put off the fixing of an issue – the more you are going to have to pay for it later on.

However, finding a reliable Mercedes service in Roseville, CA, might be a challenge. With so many different professionals on the market, how do you know which one is truly worth your money and attention? Here are good tips to take into account.

Ask Questions

When you get your Mercedes to a Roseville Mercedes repair shop, you have to be as nosy as you can. Of course, that’s the case if you are going to a new place. Now, you may not know much about your car’s anatomy, and that’s completely fine – you don’t need to. Your mechanic, though, has to. If you are in for brake repair – start asking some fundamental questions such as how many miles you have to go through for this to take place. Why is there an issue? Is it serious? How is it repaired?

Seasoned Mercedes professionals with experience in handling this particular type of car would be able to answer those in a matter of moments. Having your vehicle for a brake service, while seemingly straightforward, is a task that has to be handled with severe cautious as it’s one of the essential functions of your vehicle.

Check Out Their Equipment

Having specialized equipment is amongst the most important things to look out for when you take your vehicle for a fix, regardless of it’s a tire service or something else. Take a look at the shop – is it clean? Is it well-equipped and organized? Do people working in it have special workplace uniforms?

These are the telling signs that you have to be extra vigilant of. However, you should also pay attention to the overall outlook of the venue and make sure that it does stand out, especially if you are driving a more expensive vehicle.

Be Prepared

The easiest way for someone to pull one over your, regardless of it’s a matter of a reasonably inexpensive tire repair or for something else, is for you to be underinformed. You have to be well aware of the approximate estimation of the service that you are looking for to prevent any issues and any potential con artists. It is quite important.

These are just a few tips which will help you identify the best service shops in the area. Of course, it is always best to be entirely aware of what’s wrong with your vehicle – this way you will be able to identify the best person or service that will get you through it. The above are just a few of many tips that you can consider.

What Happens During A Brake Inspection?

Most car owners are aware of the role their brakes play in a vehicle. However, many are unaware of what components make up the braking system and what happens when they take their car in for an inspection. Before getting into what goes on during a brake inspection, it is essential to know what the brake system is made up of. Most BMW’s, especially newer models all utilize four-wheel disc brakes. Disc brakes offer better stopping power and are more reliable. The disc brake system includes brake pads, rotors, calipers, hoses, a master cylinder, and brake booster. The disc brake system is quite simple. When you press the brake pedal the two brake pads that side inside the caliper clamp against the rotor. The firmer you push the pedal, the harder they clasp.

Older model vehicles might be equipped with drum brakes on the rear. Drum brakes work similar to the disc brake system. However, they aren’t as reliable. They have a housing called the drum and use brake shoes that press against the drum to stop the vehicle. Since many cars are now equipped with the disc brake system, we’ll focus on what happens during a disc brake inspection.

Over time the parts of the brake system, specifically the brake pads, will wear down. Brake pads must be changed to prevent premature damage to the rotors or caliper malfunction. Many of the brake pads made today have a wear indicator installed. It alerts drivers that it is time for them to be changed. The wear indicator will make a high pitched squeak noise. Other parts of the brake system can give clues to problems they might have, which makes diagnosing the issue a little easy. For instance, if a caliper sticks it will make a bad burning smell and sometimes produce smoke because of the friction. If the brake pedal isn’t feeling as firm as it once was, this might indicate a lower level of brake fluid that needs to be filled.

Brake repair and service is very common in automotive shops. It is a service that has to be done for a vehicle to remain safe on the road. A brake inspection can be done at the shop of Ryan GMW – come, visit us at our repair shop! Curious about what happens during a brake inspection? Here is a list of components that are inspected to ensure everything is working correctly and if anything needs to be replaced.

  • Check brake pads for wear and access how much is left on the pads
  • Check rotors for even wear and warpage
  • Check brake fluid, fill if needed
  • Inspect brake lines

When a technician looks at your vehicle, they will probably inspect the brake fluid level first. Often many of the problems with brakes can be related to low brake fluid. Moving on from the master cylinder, its wheels will be taken off to inspect the workings of the disc brake system. It will include the brake pads, rotors, and calipers. A technician will determine how much of the brake pad is left and if the wear is normal. If something is wrong such as a warped rotor, stuck caliper, or uneven wear of the pads and rotors, they will let you know that those items need to be replaced.

Brake inspection is the first line of defense in keeping your vehicle’s stopping power at optimal performance. BMW service Roseville CA auto shop Ryan GMW can inspect any brakes and repair or replace parts that need to be changed. If noises or changes in how your vehicle stops are noticed, it might be time to take it in for a brake inspection.

Vehicle Checkup 101: Types Of Vehicle Inspections (UPDATED)

Vehicle inspections are very useful for car owners. They paint an accurate picture of the health of the vehicle. There are a few different types of controls that can be done, and each one serves a purpose. In California, if your car is six years or older you must have an emission inspection done before you can get your vehicle legal to drive. It is the most commonly done vehicle inspections for any automotive shop. Aside from the state requirements of needing a smog certificate, some great vehicle inspections can be done at Ryan GMW that can help identify any problems that could be happening with your vehicle.

Fluid Inspection

Cars rely very heavily on the fluids that run them. It can include engine oil, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, brake fluid, and differential fluid. When a vehicle experiences any leak, fluid will be lost. Having a checkup of all your essential fluids can help extend the life of many of the parts on your car.

Exhaust Inspection

If there is a problem with your exhaust system, your car will produce more smog into the air that is no good for the environment. California smog laws make having to have exhaust inspections a necessary part of owning a vehicle. Aside from the environmental aspect, exhaust leaks can sound horrible, and even create performance issues. An exhaust inspection will include everything from the manifold or headers down to the tailpipes. Typical items found in the exhaust system are leaks from exhaust tubing and clogged catalytic converters.

Suspension Inspection

The ride quality of your vehicle can be traced to the suspension parts underneath it. Struts, shocks, springs, tie rod ends, control arms are some of the leading parts. Having a suspension inspection done can save your vehicle from having some serious problems. Since many of the suspension parts are tied in with one another, if one piece is not working correctly it can throw off other parts. Identifying a problem before it becomes a more significant issue is the main reason to have the suspension looked at.

Brake Inspection

Brakes are one of the most common concerns for drivers. It is with good reason. The brakes are what keeps your vehicle stopping and is essential for the safety of all drivers on the road. When brakes aren’t functioning correctly, your car won’t stop when it needs to. A brake inspection can identify if it is about time to change your brake pads, if your brake lines look good, and if the rotors are in good shape.

Tire Inspection

A tire inspection can give indications on if you need a wheel alignment because of uneven wear, or if it is just time to replace worn out tires. It can also help identify if it is time for a tire rotation service.

4 Things To Do Before You Get A Brake Repair Service

The braking system of your car is one of the most used methods. It is the system that prevents accidents and will keep you safe. If any part of your braking system isn’t performing the way it should, you will have complications in slowing down or coming to a stop or even holding a halt. If you are noticing that your brakes aren’t working the way they should, it might be time to have brake repair and service performed. But, before you head out to your automotive shop, there are a few things that you can do before taking your vehicle in. If you narrow down what is wrong, you might be able to fix some of the smaller problems.

Check The Brake Fluid

It is a prevalent problem for car owners in regards to the braking system. When the pressure on the brake becomes more spongy and is softer to push in, you might be low on brake fluid. The simple way to check if this is your problem is by looking at the brake fluid reservoir. The reservoir lies on top of the master cylinder. You can usually spot the tank by the cap on them labeled DOT 3 or DOT 4. If it is under the full mark, add just enough to get it at the line. Remember only to add what is recommended and used in your vehicle.

Check For leaks In The Brake Lines

It will require a little bit of maneuvering, and go under the car. If you follow your brake lines all the way to the rear, look for possible damage to the line. Another area to check that is much easier is the connection to the master cylinder. Sometimes the rings inside the master cylinder can become worn and allow for tiny leaks. If you notice fluid here, it could be the potential cause of your car not braking correctly.

Are Your Brake Pads Worn Down

In a disc brake system, the brake pads are what press against the rotors that make your care come to a stop. If your brake pads are overused, they will start to make that annoying grinding sound. The production of sound is from a metal shim within the brake pad. It is your first indication that you will need brake service. If your calipers are not opening and closing the way they should, it can cause your brake pads to be continually contacting the rotor. If this happens, you will need to have brake repair work done on the calipers to get them to open correctly.

Investigate Your Rotors For Warpage

As mentioned your rotors will be what your brake pads clamp to initiate braking. If you were to look at the rotor, you might notice that they might be worn down. Depending on how long you have gone from your last brake pad change, you might have to have these replaced. Uneven wear or warpage will result in a vibration when at speeds over 30mph and coming to a stop.


In conclusion, there are a few items you can look for before taking your car into to get serviced for the braking system. Knowing them will help you to understand what exactly is wrong, and what it will take to fix the problem.

6 Factors That Affect How Long The Brake Pads Last

Brake pads are one of the primary and most known components of the braking system of your car. They are one of the least expensive parts to have changed and a super important for your safety. To keep your brake pads lasting longer below are six factors that can make an impact on how long your pads will last.

Brake Pad Material

Brake pads come in a few options including:

• Metallic
• Semi Metallic
• Organic
• Synthetic (Ceramic)

While each one of these will work on any vehicle, you get what you pay for. The least expensive options are metallic and semi metallic. With the advances in brakes and difference in cost, metallic brakes have become almost obsolete. For the longest lasting option on the market, ceramic is the best choice.

How You Use The Brakes

If you are a ride the break type of driver, you will obviously notice that you have to replace brake pads much more frequently. One of the best practices you can do is coast and maintain a distance. Coasting will allow you to maintain speed, which is nice for MPG’s, but it will also help with the longevity of your brakes.

A Caliper Malfunction

If a caliper is stuck, a brake pad will constantly be rubbing the rotor. It will in turn run down a brake pad very quickly. It can also affect the rotors as well. If you are having a burning smell coming from your brakes, it is entirely possible that a stuck caliper is causing a problem, and will end up needing replacement as well as brake pad replacements. This issue will keep occurring if the caliper problem is not corrected.

Manual vs. Automatics, The Usage Difference

Manual drivers will drive much differently than those who have an automatic. This is in large part due to being able to downshift to slow a vehicle. This is called engine braking. Automatics don’t have this same luxury and require using the brakes any time they need to slow down or stop. In general, if a person is a good at driving a manual, they potentially can see brake pads last much longer than that of an automatic vehicle.

Putting New Brake Pads on Bad Rotors

As fascinating as it may be to just put new brake pads on when they need to be changed. If you are told that your rotors need a replacement, it is an expense you should have done. A warped or worn out rotor can wear down brake pads quickly. So while you think you are saving money just replacing the pads, it will cost you more, because the brake pads are going to need to be changed much sooner. In addition to brake pad wear, a warped or worn rotor can also affect your stopping ability.

Trigger Happy on the Brake Pedal

Often when people are driving along, the person in front of them will apply their brake. For some reason or another, an instant thought of having to use the brake hits. Even if it is not necessary to do so, some people’s reaction is just to do what the person ahead of them does. Instead, as you are driving, maintain a healthy distance between you and the car in front, and only brake when you need to, and not just because you are following the leader.

Changing the Brake Fluid

One of the least thought of things that can affect your brake pads is the brake fluid. To help your pads last longer, it is a very good idea to have your brake fluid bled and flushed. Especially if you have an older vehicle, it can help with keeping the components of your braking system healthy.

What Are The Causes Of Brake Failure?

In your vehicle, the brake pedal connects to the pistons, which connects to the brakes themselves. Most recent cars have disc front brakes and drum rear brakes. When your brakes function well, their primary purpose is to stop your vehicle through causing friction. In front brakes, friction will hold the brake calipers and pads. In rear brakes, the friction hits the brake drums and shoes.

What causes brake failure? Several factors interfere with the proper function of your vehicle’s brakes. Grease or oil on your brakes causes lead to failure. This oil will interfere with the friction of your brakes. This issue also means that your vehicle may have an oil leak.

In the warmer months, there is also the possibility of overheating. When brakes overheat to a moderate to a severe level, the metal in the brake rotors or drums will develop. This incident is what are known as hard stops. These are also called hot spots. Hot spots resist the friction from the brake shoes and pads. Because the shoes or pads cannot grab onto anything, there is no friction, and your brakes have failed.

If you tend to brake hard or ‘ride the brake’ as you drive, you can also cause brake failure in your vehicle. It also happens with those who are nervous drivers and are always braking due to their anxiety. These drivers cause premature brake failure due to an issue known as crystallized brake pads or shoes. Production of heat will then occur, caused by repeated overuse. After which, the pads and shoes grow hard. When they become hard, they are going to be ineffective because brake material must be flexible and able to grip the disc or drum to stop the vehicle.

At Ryan G. Motor Works, you will find real Auburn German auto specialists. Since 2008, our in-house technician has been serving the Auburn, California area with master-level service. If you are looking for high-quality and reliable brake repair, Ryan GMW is truly the expert in the field. When it comes to life and death situation such as proper brake function, never take a chance.

Although Ryan GMW is your premiere expert team for all services BMWs, Audis, Mercedes, Porsches, and Ferraris, customers can also find the best bike repair service in the surrounding area.

Be sure to remain aware of the state of your vehicle’s brakes. Make sure that regular brake repair service is conducted to ensure that your vehicle is safe to be on the road. Brakes are more than a way to stop properly at a red light but can be a matter of life and death for not only yourself but every other driver on the road with you. Check out our BMW services page today for more information.